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Managing Driver Stress – It’s a Matter of Health

Driver health and managing drivers’ stress is a big topic of conversation in the trucking industry today. As the industry faces an upcoming driver shortage, it’s putting efforts into promoting health and reducing stress for current drivers. Having a healthy core of drivers helps promote the industry and the jobs within the industry.
Drivers deal with many elements on a daily basis:

What can you do, as a driver to manage and relieve these stresses?

When you are on the job, you can use simple techniques to reduce stress.

As you manage stress, there are 3 key factors that will work towards a healthy body. A healthy body gives you the best chance in any job, whether it’s in an office or on the road.
Adopt a healthy diet – fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean protein.
Exercise regularly – set a plan for frequency and activities and try to get in  30 minutes per day.
Sleep – get at least 7-8 hours per day and try to establish a regular sleeping schedule. If you can work it out, avoid driving during your down times.
It’s a good idea to review your plan with a doctor, who can help guide you and review the benefits of each step with you.

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